Employee Information Notice on Processing of Personal Data


Depending on the situation, we inform you that your personal data, obtained as specified below, within the scope of our commercial relations or within the scope of our business relationship with you; will be processed, limited and proportional to the purpose that requires processing and in connection with this purpose, preserving the accuracy and up-to-dateness of personal data as it was notified to us or as notified, will be recorded, stored, preserved, reorganized, shared with institutions authorized to request this personal data by law, and transferred, transferred abroad, classified and processed in other ways enumerated in the Personal Data Protection Law (KVKK).

Processed Personal Data

Personal data provided by employees themselves to us can be processed by us. For example, the personal data that may be subject to processing are as follows:

  • Identity Data: Name, surname, date of birth, country of birth, city of birth, gender, marital status, nationality, Turkish ID card information (TCKN, serial number, wallet number, father’s name, mother’s name, place of birth, province, district, neighborhood, volume number, family order number, order number, household number, page number, record number, place of issue, reason for issue, date of issue, previous surname), copy of identity card.
  • Contact Data: Phone number, full address, email address, internal communication information (internal phone number, corporate email address).
  • Financial Data: Financial and salary details, payrolls, premium entitlements, premium amounts, file and debt information related to execution files, bank account book, minimum subsistence allowance information, private health insurance amount and certificate.
  • Special Category Personal Data: Status of being a former convict/criminal record, disability status/description/percentage, religion, health data, blood type, private health insurance policy, health reports, work commencement health report, lung graph, hearing test, eye test, forms signed by the workplace physician at the time of entry and periodic examinations, pregnancy status, pregnancy report, health and maternity leave information, association/foundation memberships.
  • Educational Data: Education level, certificate and diploma information, foreign language skills, education and skills, CV, courses taken.
  • Visual and Audio Data: Photographs, voice recordings, camera recordings, facial recognition, fingerprint recognition, iris scanning, card reading.

Purposes of Processing Your Personal Data

Our company may process your personal data for the purposes and legal reasons specified below but not limited to these:

  • Proof of the employment relationship,
  • Recording of salary and related information,
  • Tracking and monitoring of sick leaves,
  • Carrying out payroll processes for employees,
  • Preparation of necessary warning letters and management of legal processes in case of non-compliance with work and workplace rules,
  • Tracking and monitoring the compliance of employees with the rules of computer, internet, email, and telephone use as specified and for the purposes limited in the employment contract and disciplinary procedures,
  • Issuing a power of attorney,
  • Employee performance evaluation,
  • Keeping accounting records,
  • Making salary payments,
  • Providing business cards,
  • Delivering packages received by courier to the relevant employee,
  • Entering employee data into Outlook and creating the employee's work email,
  • Communicating with relevant persons in case of emergency,
  • Making compulsory/voluntary BES deductions,
  • Ensuring the operation of clinic systems and maintaining workplace order,
  • Authorizing access to software and files,
  • Reporting and record-keeping within the clinic,
  • Improving relationships and motivation among employees,
  • Tracking training processes and organizing trainings,
  • Management, improvement, and organization of social and fringe benefits,
  • Managing door and system entries/exits, ensuring the physical security of the workplace,
  • Ensuring and monitoring workplace health and safety,
  • Protecting the clinic's trade secrets,
  • Protecting computer systems against threats such as viruses, etc.,
  • Representing the company, managing contact with third parties on behalf of the company,
  • Identifying specific risks for customers and the clinic in connection with the work being conducted,
  • Reviewing public information about employees,
  • Detailed examination of the clinic's workforce subject to confidentiality commitments,
  • Timely identification of illegalities,
  • Complying with obligations under Labor Law, Occupational Health and Safety Law, Tax Laws, Social Security Law, and other legislation, especially; Complying with information retention, reporting, and informing obligations stipulated by legislation, relevant regulatory institutions, and other authorities,
  • Implementing court decisions,
  • Processing personal data related to marital status to fulfill obligations arising from social security legislation,
  • Ensuring security within the clinic, especially; Recording images in operational areas, employee personal locker areas, fire escape points, building/department entry-exit points, and rest areas for physical security purposes (theft, events at the workplace, detection of unauthorized entry, etc.),
  • Recording audio and camera footage of meetings with customers for quality assessment of services and employee training,
  • For clinic administration, work execution, and company policy implementation, especially; Personal data will be retained for the duration specified in the relevant legislation or as long as required for the purposes for which they were processed.

Sharing Your Personal Data with Domestic Third Parties

Your personal data, for your safety and to fulfill our clinic's obligations before the law, can be shared with relevant public institutions or organizations permitted by the provisions of the legislation such as Labor Law, Occupational Health and Safety Law, Social Security and General Health Insurance Law, Law on the Regulation of Broadcasts on the Internet and Combating Crimes Committed Through These Broadcasts, Turkish Commercial Code, Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698, and other relevant legislation, to the extent permitted and required; such as the Personal Data Protection Authority, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Customs and Trade, Ministry of Labor and Social Security, Turkish Employment Agency (İş-Kur), Information Technologies and Communication Authority.

Your personal data can be shared with information technology companies, subcontractors, professional consultants, lawyers, accountants, occupational health and safety institutions, and other third parties with whom the company has commercial, administrative, or contractual relations. For example, in the event of a request from service provider companies within the scope of commercial relations, personal data of relevant employees are shared with service provider companies for purposes such as (i) defining program user names and passwords for access to our clinic systems or (ii) creating corporate email user names and passwords. The contact and/or identity information of those representing our clinic may be shared with third parties.

Sharing Your Personal Data with Overseas Third Parties

In accordance with the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698, your personal data collected can be shared with third parties abroad for purposes such as maintaining communication during international travels and trainings, organizing travel, and sending bulk emails, provided you give consent and in compliance with the fundamental principles prescribed by the Personal Data Protection Authority and the personal data processing conditions and purposes specified in articles 8 and 9 of the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698. For example, to create a corporate email address, the names and surnames of employees are shared with service providers based abroad.

Rights Under Article 11 of the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698

In accordance with Article 11 of the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698, you have the right to apply personally to the employer, proving your identity, and regarding your personal data;

  • To learn whether your personal data is processed or not, and if processed, to request related information,
  • To learn the purpose of processing your personal data and whether they are used in accordance with their purpose,
  • To learn whether your personal data is transferred domestically or abroad and to whom it is transferred.

You have the right to request the correction of your incorrect and incomplete personal data and to request that the recipients to whom the data has been transferred or may have been transferred are informed.

You may request the deletion and destruction or anonymization of your personal data within the conditions stipulated in Article 7 of the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698. You may also request that third parties to whom the data has been transferred or may have been transferred are informed about this deletion, destruction, or anonymization.

You may object to the results of your personal data analysis, created exclusively using an automatic system, if the results are contrary to your interests.

If you suffer a loss due to the unlawful processing of your personal data, you may request compensation for the loss.

Your requests in your application will be concluded free of charge within thirty (30) days at the latest, depending on the nature of the request.

However, if the transaction incurs an additional cost for the company, the fee specified in the tariff determined by the Personal Data Protection Board may be charged.

Regarding the processing of your personal data, you must fill out and sign the application form and submit it to the authorized persons to be directed to the Data Protection Officer at the address where you are employed in our clinic.

In addition, you can always notify any changes and/or updates regarding your personal data by emailing info@medicantalya.com or by applying in person to the address: Fener Mah. Bülent Ecevit Bulvarı Duru İş Merkezi No:62 Muratpaşa/ANTALYA.

How Long Will Your Personal Data Be Processed?

In accordance with the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698, your personal data processed for the purposes specified in this Information and Consent Notice will be deleted, destroyed, or anonymized by us when the purpose requiring processing ends and/or the statute of limitations we are obliged to comply with according to the legislation expires.

Cases Where the Company Can Process Your Personal Data Without Your Explicit Consent

In accordance with Article 5 of the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698, in the following cases, our clinic can process your personal data obtained legally without your explicit consent:

  • In cases expressly provided for by law,
  • In cases where it is necessary to protect the life or physical integrity of the person or another person who is unable to express their consent due to actual impossibility or whose consent is not legally valid,
  • If it is necessary to process personal data of the parties to a contract, provided that it is directly related to the establishment or performance of the contract you have concluded with our clinic and affiliated institutions/organizations,
  • If it is necessary for the data controller to fulfill its legal obligation,
  • If the personal data has been made public by the data subject,
  • If data processing is necessary for the establishment, exercise, or protection of a right,
  • If it is necessary to process data for the legitimate interests of the company, provided that it does not harm your fundamental rights and freedoms.